Mountaineering School.
We offer seminars and clinics in a wide variety of topics.
The goal of the MCA Training Department is to offer members more training opportunities and to encourage all types of abilities to participate. These events are organized and taught by MCA member volunteers. Any volunteers interested in assisting with MCA training events are encouraged to contact the Training Committee to discuss potential opportunities.
Basic Training.
The MCA's Basic Mountaineering School (BMS) merit program is designed to give individuals new to mountaineering an introduction to the basic skills required to travel in the Alaska mountain environment.
Don’t worry, the Basic Mountaineering School (BMS) hasn’t gone away, instead the training department has developed a merit based BMS program.
Students can mix and match the required BMS training at their own pace and schedule, but are required to complete training within 14 months of enrollment in the BMS merit program. The BMS merit based program offers a variety of classes in the evenings and weekends with the idea a student can design their program around their work schedule and school.
Participation in required training will be recorded by the training department and certificates will be awarded once all required training is completed. Some training can be credited with prior experience and or training sources outside of MCA, upon submission and approval of the MCA training department.
Required Basic Mountain School (BMS) training includes:
Winter Camping and Snow Shelters.
Nutrition and Equipment for Travel in the Snow Environment.
Intro to Ice Climbing*
Backcountry Skiing Skills*
Basic Snow Travel.
Navigation and Map Skills
Glacier Travel
Avalanche Hazard and Recognition
Winter Camping and Snow Shelters.
First Aids.
Wilderness First Aid*
Crevasse Rescue
*Participants enrolled in the BMS merit program must take one of these courses, all other courses are required to complete the program.
The MCA charges a fee for clinics/seminars in order to cover the cost of materials and equipment.
Upcoming seminars.
MCA Spring Ski Tour Dates: TBD- The Bomber Traverse- Must be a competent bc traveler/skier or snowshoer, have AVY 1 training.
MCA Summer Mountaineering School Dates: TBD– The Bomber Traverse- Basic Mountaineering instruction for accomplished backpackers. Hiking, climbing, and glacier travel in the Talkeetna Mountains. Learn: Snow travel, ice tool use, ice climbing, glacier travel, navigation, route finding, rappelling, rock climbing, fun, exploration, leadership skills and confidence building.

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[Credits to come soon.]