Upcoming events.
April General Membership Meeting
Join us for our April General Meeting!!! "Latest and Greatest Outdoor Gear" presentation by Alaska Mountaineering & Hiking
Stop by to learn, network, and plan your next outdoor adventure!!
Photo: Sean Kortus (Denali: From the air)

March General Membership Meeting
Join us for the March General Membership Meeting!! “Bagging the Chugach 120” presented by Azriel Sellers.
Stop by to learn, network, and plan your next outdoor adventure!
Photo: Azriel Sellers

February General Membership Meeting
Join us for the February General Membership Meeting!! “Go Big, Then Go Home” - Lightweight Long-Distance Winter Travel presented by Jonathan Byers.
We will also discuss and vote on club proposed 2025 Budget, By-Laws, and Strategic Plan.
Stop by to learn, network, and plan your next outdoor adventure!
Photo: Jonathan Byers
Crevasse Rescue Course (Beginner/Intermediate)
Leaders are Gerrit Verbeek and other instructors T.B.A. Register through Eventbrite.
Day 1 will be indoors at REI and focus on theory. We’ll cover knot practice, progress capture devices (friction hitches and mechanical devices), what you need for glacier travel on foot and on skis, how to rope up, how to build haul systems, and a quick overview of glacier navigation. Day 2 will be indoors at a rope access training facility. We’ll focus on practicing self-rescue, rescuing teammates, and glacier travel.
Twenty slots are available, once the course is full, we will waitlist those who are interested. There will be a $130 non-refundable fee for participants. Please do not sign up unless you can commit to attending both days, but a refund can be issued if a participant is forced to cancel more than a week in advance and we can fill the spot from a waitlist.
Enrolments on Eventbrite.

January General Membership Meeting
Join us for our first General Meeting of 2025!!! Focused on avalanche safety presented by John Sykes (Chugach Avalanche Center). A couple of topics include:
- General Avalanche Safety, Identification, and Considerations
- Terrain Mapping
- Chugach Avalanche Center website familiarization
We will also discuss what we have planned for the 2025 general meeting agenda. Expect to get outside more with the MCA this upcoming year as we look to promote the exercise of skill and safety in the art and science of mountaineering!
Stop by to learn, network, and plan your next outdoor adventure!!
November General Membership Meeting
Pichler’s Perch, Eklutna Traverse
Join us for our November General Meeting focused on skills and community connection. A couple of topics include:
Planning and Executing Einter Bomber and Eklutna Traverses and
Fixing Your WhisperLite on an Adventure.
Stop by to ask questions and engage in conversation with potential skiing and climbing partners!

October General Membership Meeting
Presenter: 2025 MCA Calendar Winners
Topics: Stories behind the photos
We are planning to have 2025 calendars for sale at a special meeting price of $15. Please bring cash. They will be available for purchase after the meeting for $20 each and will be sold in local shops throughout Anchorage, AK.

September General Membership Meeting
Presenter: Jane Lockshin
Topic: Minty Fresh: An Overview of the MCA's 2024 Mountaineering Course

Annual MCA Summer Solstice Flattop Hangout/Sleepout
Make your way to the summit of Flattop Mountain any time after 6:30 p.m. to celebrate the summer solstice. Bring your own food and drink. Sleepover camping encouraged. Good cheer mandatory. All welcome, super casual, see you there!

Annual Chester Creek Cleanup
Creek Cleanup is an annual Anchorage event held every May. Hundreds of volunteers throughout Anchorage put on boots and gloves or go out in canoes and kayaks to clean tons of trash from local streams and waterways. This effort improves habitat for fish and other critters and helps humans thrive too!
Marcin Ksok is again hosting the MCA's group for the Chester Creek clean-up. If you are looking to join a group for the Anchorage Creek Cleanup, this is the group for you. Also a great way to support MCA's good reputation in the community.
When: 6pm Thursday May 23rd
Where: meet at 1836 Rosemary St, Airport Heights
Bring: Waders, gloves, bug repellant, rubber boots will do fine for the shore walkers.
Marcin can be contacted at 928-380-2995 or marcinksok@netscape.net.

MCA April General Meeting
Topic: Why 14? Analyzing the relationship between age and ability to belay
Presenter: Ruby Williams

MCA March General Meeting
Presenter: Kelly Kropko
Topic: Major Accidents in Climbing, Biking, Surfing and Pack Rafting

MCA February General Meeting
Presenters: Kathy Still and Az Sellers
Topic: The 120 Chugach State Park Peaks

MCA January General Meeting
Presenter: Joe Stock
Topic: An Instructional Overview of the Avalanche Avoidance System and more!

Annual MCA Holiday Party
Come celebrate the holiday szn with your favorite mountaineering club! This is the perfect opportunity to meet new and old members alike.
Food will be potluck style so please consider bringing a dish to share!

Wild Ice, exploring and accessing. November General Membership Meeting
Presenters Allie Heaslet and Paxson Woelber.
Please join us for our monthly membership meeting at the BP Energy Center. Due to availability of the Birch Room, the November meeting has been scheduled for first Thursday of the month instead of the first Wednesday of the month. Thank you for understanding. During the meeting, members will have the opportunity to meet with other members and learn about the latest MCA news and hear from our presenter.
You can also attend remotely. Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 836 7470 6360
Passcode: 033973

October General Membership Meeting
Due to availability of the Birch Room, the October meeting has been scheduled for first Thursday of the month instead of the first Wednesday of the month. Thank you for understanding.
Please join us for our monthly membership meeting at the BP Energy Center. During the meeting, members will have the opportunity to meet with other members, learn about the latest MCA news, and hear from our 2024 Calendar Photo Contest winners. Currently, we plan to have calendars available for purchase at a special meeting price during the October meeting. After the meeting, calendars will be available for purchase at local shops throughout Anchorage.

Ice Fest
Climbers gather for instruction at the MCA Annual Ice Fest at Matanuska Glacier. Photo by Chris Walden.

September General Membership Meeting
Please join us for our monthly membership meeting at the BP Energy Center. During the meeting, members will have the opportunity to meet with other members, learn about the latest MCA news, and hear from our presenter.

A day in Palmer
Save the date and join the MCA for a fun day in Palmer, AK. We will be hiking one of Palmers great day hikes with an après-hike at the Palmer Ale House. Already have day plans? Then join us for the evening at the Ale House. There will be live music by the Eternal Cowboys beginning at 7PM.
More details to come!

Photo Contest Voting is Now Open
Voting for the 2024 calendar contest is now open.
Each year MCA holds an annual photo contest for its calendar. The winning photos will create MCA's 2024 calendar. Voting will be open to the entire membership from July 18th- July 31st.
Members are encouraged to head over to the Membership News Tab to find all the links and details needed to vote on this year’s calendar submissions.
Please note, the top three photos from each category will be used for the 2024 calendar. The top overall photo will be used as this year’s calendar cover.

2024 Calendar Contest Photo Submissions Open
Submissions will open for the 2024 MCA Calendar on July 3rd. The 2024 calendar will be VERTICAL. Link and submission instructions can be found under the Membership News. Members will be required to log in to their membership account to access the links.
The first MCA Calendar was published in 1998 in recognition of the 40th anniversary of the club's founding. Interested members submit their best outdoor activity photographs for judging by the membership. The photographs that receive the most votes in each of four categories (skiing, climbing, scenery, and hiking/mountaineering) appear in the calendar. The photograph that receives the most votes overall is the winner of the Kirk Towner Award and appears on the cover. Kirk produced the first five issues of the MCA calendar and the results of his efforts and vision were appreciated so much that the calendar has become an MCA tradition.

Summer Solstice Flattop Hike
Join us for our annual Summer Solstice hike up Flattop Mountain. First group will leave the parking lot around 6pm but please venture up whenever you can. There will be a group up there all night! We’ll see you at the top for a beverage, snack, and a view.

Chester Creek Clean Up
Join the MCA as we give back to the community during the annual City Wide Clean Up. We will be cleaning up a section of Chester Creek from Wesleyan to Boniface. Please bring gloves, waders and or rubber boots. We will meet at 1836 Rosemany St. Anchorage, AK at 8:45AM.
A special thank you to Marcine Ksok for helping organize the clean up!

May General Membership Meeting
Please join us for our monthly membership meeting at the BP Energy Center. During the meeting, members will have the opportunity to meet with other members, learn about the latest MCA news, and hear from this month’s presenter, Gerrit Verbeek.
Presentation: "Choss Lore - Mental Exploration of Alaska's Backcountry"
The names of the peaks, rivers, and other geographic features around us have a huge influence on how we think about them. Consider how different Alaska would feel if "Cook Inlet" was called "Sandwich Sound" (its first English name), how different it feels to climb "Peril Peak" versus "Boy Scout Rock," or how some names seize your attention the moment you first hear them and draw you to explore a particular area. Each name has a story behind it, but those stories are frequently buried or hidden. Choss Lore is a project to track down and collect the stories behind geographic place names in southcentral Alaska.

April General Membership Meeting
Join the MCA as we cover membership updates and hear from Lane Christenson about his winter ascent of Bold Peak.

Arlene Blum at the Bear Tooth
On March 27th starting at 5:30 p.m. the MCA has organized a lecture by Arlene Blum at the Bear Tooth Theater in Anchorage. Among many lifetime accomplishments, Arlene was part of the first all-women expedition to summit Denali in 1970 and led the first group of Americans to climb Annapurna in 1978 (also all women). She also has a successful career as a scientist and advocate, and her presentation will blend highlights from all of those passions. Tickets and more details can be found here: https://beartooththeatre.filmbot.com/movies/breaking-trail-mountains-and-molecules/

March General Membership Meeting
Please join us for our monthly membership meeting at the BP Energy Center. During the meeting, members will have the opportunity to meet with other members, learn about the latest MCA news, and hear from our presenter. Due to availability of the BP Energy Center, the March Membership meeting will be on Thursday, March 2.
Presentation: Backcountry paragliding, with Bryan Friedrichs and Nate McClure
"We (Bryan and Nate) aim to provide an overview of recent adventure paragliding activity in Southcentral Alaska. In particular, where paragliders can be used as a tool to access, descend, and explore our local mountain ranges. We'll focus on a couple of flights carried out by members of the local community in a selection of different paragliding disciplines, and give a brief introduction into how one might get started in the sport, and the future possibilities opened up by modern gear."

February General Membership Meeting
The February Mountaineering Club of Alaska meeting will feature a slideshow by Clint Helander, who will share photos, videos and stories on his banner 2022 Alaska Range season, which included the first ascent of Golgotha's East Face and Full Moon Fever on 14,573' Mount Hunter.
Golgotha (8,940'), located in the distant Revelation Mountains, had been a 14 year dream. He and Andres Marin finally succeeded on their route "The Shaft of the Abyss" on their fifth attempt after repeated failures and nearly being killed by an avalanche in base camp 2016. Helander made the first ascent of the mountain in 2012 with Ben Trocki.
Helander and August Franzen completed their completely independent new route on Mount Hunter in May 2022, which included a rare traverse of the entire summit massif and all three summits. The team first attempted the route in 2021, when Helander took a 25-foot crevasse fall.
This will be a fundraiser for both the MCA huts and the American Alpine Club Snowbird Hut. Alaska Mountaineering and Hiking, The Hoarding Marmot and others have donated items for a silent auction.
This event will also be live-streamed online at https://us02web.zoom.us/s/83674706360?pwd=VUY4VElyVEpqc2xmN29BbG1OKzR3dz09

Arctic to Indian Trail Maintenance
The MCA will be brushing/ clearing the first five miles of trail starting at Arctic valley trailhead. This will be an overnight camping trip OR day trip. Please contact trip leader Greg Bragiel unknownhiker@alaska.net with questions or if you would like to volunteer.
Photos on this page:
Header: [Untitled] by Carin Olsson (non-member). 2014.